The Blog

Determining Our Future Based On Values goals setting goals values Jun 14, 2022

Determining our future based on our values, purpose, aptitude, and goals — not just on where we come from and what was done before us. 

The first question we seem to ask children is...

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LEARN EARN GIVE - Core Values values May 17, 2022

by Bobbi Sue Van Leuven


Each individual at LEARNEARNGIVE has their own top 5 values, but as a team we decided that LEARNEARNGIVE will be guided in its mission by the following core values:

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What Is The Point? values May 10, 2022

by Bobbi Sue Van Leuven


I first met Chuck Wachendorfer on January 30th, 2007. The date is easy to remember because it was my 18th birthday and I was slightly annoyed that my dad was...

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